Tuesday, January 5, 2010

An important note on the coming Singularity.. My thoughts on our future.

I've stumbled upon this thought numerous times throughout the years, the question of the flying car. It is a dream that many people have desired and wished for, for quite some time... yet there is no mass produced flying car today, no skyways and other things. But that can't be, right? As far as I remember of my youth we were told that we'd have flying cars in and around the year 2000, but now it's 2010 and it still hasn't arrived.

The whole point to this ramble is that we were told that we'd have the flying car in the year 2000, so what did we do? We all sat around and waited for it to appear...

We should have been told that we could have flying cars in the next 20 years if we do something about it.

This is an important thing for futurologists to take into account when discussing the singularity.

It's good to get everyone's imaginations running towards the future, but if we don't remind everyone that we have to then build on that and take action, we'll all just be waiting for it to happen.
